Published on: July 28, 2017
By: Valcor Aerospace
Valcor Engineering’s Aerospace Group recently exhibited at the 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, which was held from July 10-12 at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta, Georgia. The focus of the conference was to identify and highlight how innovative aerospace propulsion technologies powering both new and evolving systems are being designed, tested, and flown. Flight applications include next generation commercial aircraft, regional and business jets, military applications, supersonic/hypersonic high speed propulsion applications, commercial and government-sponsored launch systems, as well as orbital insertion, satellite, and interstellar propulsion.
While at the conference, Valcor’s Vitor Cardoso, Richard Kelly, and Yuri Gerasimov presented their paper, “Pressure Transients in Propulsion Tank Pressurization Lines.” The focus was on water hammer, specifically the effects of transients in helium tank pressurization lines and the analysis that should be performed on any newly designed aerospace propulsion system.

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